Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A letter to an emerging leader

The following is a letter I wrote to one of teens in our church when his dad was having an event to affirm him in his manhood. I know this young man will flourish in his life. I encourage you to write letters and write them often.


“It is not so much what we do in this world that matters, but it is what we put in motion that really matters.”

“My commitment is stronger than my emotions.”

“The extra mile has no Traffic Jams.”

These quotes are things that come to mind when I think of your life and where God wants to take you. God is an incredibly big God and I believe He wants to do His thing in our life. Winston Churchill said that when a man is young he would be foolish to not be a liberal, but when the man grows up he would be a fool if he has not turned into a conservative thinker. I think what Winston Churchill was saying is that a young men have an uncanny ability to take risks, talk big, have lots of energy, and push the envelope in every area of life because of the zeal they have. Kyle, use this zeal you have to run and not grow weary as a young man. Remember that being a male is a matter of birth, but being a man is a matter of the choices we make. Lean into your Dad and Mom during these critical years of life so they will help you make great Godly choices.
The quote above that says “My commitment is stronger than my emotions” is a quote that Jesus lived taking His cross up the hill. He was committed to the plan God had for Him. The plan God has for you will include many hills. One of those hills will probably include a time in college. Make your commitment strong to do well, very well in college. Don’t allow the emotions of apathy or laziness to dominate you during these years like so many other men that have fallen into these emotions. Remember the reason why you are doing something and let nothing sway you from accomplishing it as your are becoming a mighty Man of God.
“It is not so much what we do in this world that matters, but it is what we put in motion that really matters.” I see what you have done in the youth group as starting motions in the lives of the young men and women. Your boldness in sharing your heart has encouraged them and pushed them. Keep starting things like that. In fact, make a plan this year on what things you are going to start to expand God’s Kingdom. Some things you will start and finish and other things you will just begin. I encourage you to write some things down that you believe God would have you do over the next 12 months.
“The extra mile has no traffic jams.” I believe you really want to break away from the crowd of mediocrity. There is an enemy called average. You will not be this way. You will choose the way of influence as you are called to influence. The sins of your past and weaknesses of your past must just be that—your past. King David said in Psalm 25:15 that my eyes are ever on the Lord for He along will release my feet from the snare or deadly trap. Going the extra mile in the Kingdom is always serving God and people a little bit more than you naturally want. I believe in you and know you will keep your eyes on Him.

Kyle, I wish I could have shared this night with you, but I am up in Michigan celebrating a week with my family. Let me leave you with one final thought. Jim Elliott said in his journal around your age that God makes his ministers as fire. He prayed Lord, am I ignitable? Oh God, please take away any water that is dampening my hunger for you, and put your oil upon my spirit that I may burn with your holy desire. Kyle, that is my prayer for you tonight. That you would burn brightly for God and ask Him to remove the chaff from your life.

Our God is a Great God,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing on your blog! Your words of encouragement for these young people will make huge differences in their lives! With God on their side and leaders like yourself - they will aspire to great things for the kingdom of God!