Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boys Adrift by Dr. Leonard Sax

This book is a must-read for any father or leader of young men/boys. It was referred to me and as soon as I got my hands on it, I devoured it. The meat of this book comes when you gain insight into what is happening with today’s young people. This generation of young boys has grown up de-motivated and underachieving in many areas of their life. Dr. Leonard Sax gives some startling information that is bound to shock you to action. He discusses the five factors leading to this emerging generation of slackers:
  1. Video Games
  2. Teaching Methods
  3. Prescription Drugs
  4. Endocrine Disruptors
  5. Devaluation of Masculinity

My favorite chapters delved into the topics of Video Games, Teaching Methods, and the Devaluation of Masculinity.

Sax shares the statistics that 1/3 of 22-34 year olds are still living with their parents. The question I ask myself and all of you is this: What are you doing to help motivate the young men in your care to action and a vision for their lives? If you are not sure, I would encourage you to read this book. Prepare yourself to be provoked to do something with today’s generation of young boys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Just listened to the radio interview on the 'boys adrift' website. Very interesting and insightful. Planning to pick up the book soon. Thanks for the tip!
Jason Weening